Ali Ghadiri
Machine Learning Engineer
Cognitivo Company
- Australia
If you're planning to study, work, or live in Australia, don't miss Ali Ghadiri's valuable insights.
Msc, Computer Science // 2023-Present
The University of New South Wales
BA, Computer Engineering // 2018 - 2023
Isfahan University of Technology
Work Experience
AI Engineer // 2023-2023
Aervision Company
Compiled, cleaned, and labelled multiple object detection datasets from various sources, Trained, and evaluated four object detection models for CCTV surveillance via Darknet CLI, Automated model training processes on edge servers by leveraging the OpenVino framework through custom bash scripts, enhancing efficiency and scalability, Updated the internal object detection training framework to the YoloV8 architecture using the Ultralytics API, improving model performance by 5% and inference speed by 25%